Contact & DirectionsHow to reach us
Wieserhof | Unterlände 20
39037 Valles / Rio Pusteria | South Tyrol/Italy
Current traffic situation for South Tyrol
Traffic information Tel: 0039 0471 200198
Current weather forecast for South Tyrol
Arrival by bus
- Flixbus: “Flixbus” runs daily from Berlin via Munich and Innsbruck to South Tyrol nach Südtirol
- SüdtirolBus: up to 6 times a day from Innsbruck, Munich, Verona, Bergamo, Milan to South Tyrol nach Südtirol
- Regional bus connections
Arrival by plane
Look for flights to Innsbruck, Verona, Munich or Bergamo. Direct bus connection to South Tyrol with the South Tyrol bus.